Lights, Mirrors...Action! ORC: Week 3

I'm dreaming of the day we have a functioning toilet on the bottom floor of our house, but since we're a ways off from that day my dreams are currently consumed (literally) with plumbing headaches and the occasional appearance of fun accessories.

Let's start with the pretty things before we dive into the nitty gritty of the double doozy remodels.

I ordered sconces from Wayfair this week for the Master bathroom. I'm waffling on whether I need 2 or 3. I only ordered 2. Who wants to bet I'll wish I had the third?! Mirrors haven't been ordered but I have my eye on this one below. Clean sleek lines will fit the contemporary vibe very nicely.



For the Guest Bathroom (remember, I'm the crazy person that decided to tackle 2 bathrooms at one time?) I found this cute sconce from Urban Outfitters and plan to pair it with this fun mirror from Ikea.


Onto the not so fun, but you need to know so you can follow along and it'll all make since, details. Below are the drawings I submitted to the city when I applied for our permit. I was a tad intimidated to give them a hand-drawn plan. I won't lie, the guy chuckled when he saw my drawing but it did the trick.


For the most part, this is exactly how things are playing out. The only difference is the newly designed toilet area is set on an angle which allows for the pocket door. So now, the spaces previously housing the toilet and tub will become a large walk-in shower. 

For the longest time I thought I would keep the existing cabinets, paint them and change the granite to quartz but as things began to progress I realized the old cabinet design just wasn't jiving with the new overall design and I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Actually, I was trying to save money but this would have been one of those times I'd kick myself for being cheap. 


Our house only had 2 and 1/2 bathrooms when we moved in. I didn't think it'd be a problem but as guests started to come visit, I was suddenly very aware that they'd be using our bathroom or the kids' bathroom to shower. I know it used to be that way for many but in this day and age if felt very awkward, hence our decision to add a shower to the downstairs powder bath.

Fortunately, there was a coat closet in the entry way that could be closed off then opened up on the bathroom side which added very valuable space. And speaking of value, this decision is sure to increase our property value if/when we move someday!

I'll leave you with this little nugget. I just received this picture via text from my cabinet maker. Hello, master bathroom vanity, I think I love you!

Wonder what the other participants completed this week? Click here to find out!

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