I've begged the trades to send me progress pictures along the way. Here's what they've sent:
I designed a 3-dimensional wall treatment. (Can you say signature item?) We'll put a neon light on the right side to finish out this fun focal wall. Can't wait to show you all the end result. Who am I kidding?... I can't wait to see the end result!
Bathrooms are tiled and currently waiting for the concrete floors to be stained, vessel sinks, mirrors and lights.
We opted to use a tile that looks like linen. It has great texture but sadly doesn't show in this picture at all. The contractor looked at me like I was crazy when I told him we were using light grout with dark tile. Slowly but surely I plan to turn him into a believer!
This picture is mid-installation but shows lots of goodies if you look around...planked wall to the right, brick wall in the background and stacked stone up front. Our carpenter is working on a box that'll top off the half wall and give the illusion of the divider panels going from floor to ceiling.
The shiplap paneling is carried over into the waiting area and is painted light beige, almost white.
It's exciting to see things finally coming together as the sawdust begins to settle. Lighting is up next. I've ordered some great chandeliers from etsy that are due to arrive this week.
God's been working in amazing ways when it comes to the art we hope to use. Meetings are still in the works but as soon as the details are solid I'll share what's up my sleeve!
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