Lots left to do in this cozy little room, but I can officially say I've learned how to tile. Maybe one of these days I'll let someone walk into the bathroom without the disclaimer of "It was my first time...look at it with your head tilted slightly to the left!"
I'm still waiting on the lights to be shipped. I can't wait to see them. They're going to add such a punch of personality.
As I mentioned above, this project has drained me a little. That, coupled with our recent move, gave me a major case of the blahs last week. It's like I woke up and realized this move thing is really real and we aren't going back. I've been holding it together for the sake of the kids and I'm pretty sure there was a tad bit of stuffing my real feelings going on. Luckily, one of my Austin friends came up with her family towards the end of the week and it was just what the doctor ordered...lots and lots of laughter.
This has made me stop and realize just how important laughing is. I don't do it enough, my family will be the first to tell you that. They're good at laughing. Oh how I wish I had been created with a better sense of humor! So, so glad both kids got this trait from John.
One thing that'll send a few laughing tears down my cheeks are autocorrect conversations. Thought I'd share a few with you today so you can experience the joy of laughter...
There are tons more that'll have ya rollin' but I wanted to keep it G rated!
Hope you're having a happy day today, friends, and don't forget to let yourself have a little giggle.
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