New Art...A treasure

I have another treasure to add to my art collection. It may just be my favorite piece thus far! I mentioned back in March that I was hoping my dad would draw a picture taken at Reed's baptism. Over the summer, he did just that. This piece is priceless on so many levels.

He drew it while we were living with them, waiting to move into our house. It was special being able to walk in and see his progress. Did anyone notice that he's drawing it upside down? He says that helps him with perspective and shading. Interesting, right? And you thought I loaded the picture wrong!...nope, that's really how it's oriented.

There's something so incredibly beautiful about watching someone use their God-given talent. 

This photo was not staged, their dachshund, Charlie Brown, claims my dad's lap as his spot of choice 99% of the time. Spoiled rotten*cough*cough.

{Actual photo}

I took this shot because I wanted to capture the raw emotion oozing out of Reed as John was praying over him. I love seeing John's hands on his shoulders, his wedding ring and even his camo waders. These things are all symbols that connect John to Reed as his earthly father. Then the words of his prayer and the baptism that followed were committing Reed to God as his Heavenly Father. See? There's so much going on in this picture!

{My dad's pencil drawing}

A closeup so you can appreciate the amount of detail. Those tiny tears melt my heart.

I shared my dad's story almost 2 years ago when I first started blogging. If you haven't had a chance to read it, please do. He suffered from a virus that attacked his brain and left him with a considerate amount of brain damage 7 years ago come October. His ability to draw is a gift that God used to aid in his recovery and one that miraculously improved post brain injury. Click here to read more.

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