On to the important stuff...
We're eagerly anticipating the first cool evening that calls for s'mores in the outdoor fireplace. See the cables and empty mount?...that's one of the televisions that was stolen before we moved in. :(
Across the porch is the "spool." Apparently that's what you call an oversized spa and undersized pool. We're new to this realm so our spool has a nice green tone that shouldn't be there. Yikes! Needless to say we haven't been enjoying this feature yet. Pool school here we come. Did you even know there's such a thing?
Welcome to our master bedroom, aka, the green box. Have I ever mentioned that ceilings painted the same color as the walls is one of my pet peeves? I can't wait to slap some white paint overhead.
Speaking of overhead, let's take a second to admire the beautiful ceiling fan. Luckily, it's so hot that this baby is running 24/7 which means I don't have to focus on those ginormous blades. My parents will be acquiring this bad boy as soon as we buy a replacement. I'm finding as people come over, you either love this fan or you hate it. Guess which side I'm on?!
Brace yourself for the master bathroom. It's big, has cool angled ceilings and, well yeah, that's about it. The door on the right is hiding the toilet and tiny shower. I'm still scratching my head wondering why, in a space this large, must the shower be so little (and have a gold surround).
I'm thinking Laura Ashley meets Little House on the Prairie. Anyone else get that feeling?
Floral wallpaper's making a comeback, right? ;)
Another long, narrow room that's hard to photograph, aka the guest bedroom. This room makes me sad. Seeing the "stuff" without the amazing wall of shelves we built just isn't right.
I'm convinced the previous owners had a wine fetish. That's a LOT of wine storage, my friends. And, be sure to take note of the wine bottle light switch cover in the left side of the picture. This is a bizarre, triangular space that currently houses our dogs' kennels, but will one day become a true closet. Right now there isn't a door. Immediately upon walking into the room, this smacks you in the face.
This room has loads of decorating potential, but currently serves as the "catch all" room.
Ready for some more wallpaper? Here's the kiddos' bathroom. Really wish it had two sinks, there's definitely enough space.
Nothing more to say except...dated!
Loads of lights...ugly lights...10 to be exact.
I've relinquished control and
Taped posters of a boy band! Oh, to be a tween again. We'll get serious about her room once we've got this out of our system. But, she LOVES it and that's what really matters.
We found giant canvases on sale at Michaels and she uses one of them for "Autographs" of anyone who stops by and the other acts as a giant doodle pad for "Drawings."
She has a fun, little window seat that overlooks the pond. How'd she get so lucky?!
Poor Reed got the raw end of the deal and his room is about the size of Bryn's closet. He said he's okay with this because he claims the pond as his room. ha!
I left it up to John and Reed to hang/arrange Reed's room and this is what they came up with. A little off balance, but the two of them were pretty pleased with themselves when they were finished. ;)
Last, but not least, is the detached garage. It has a hidden surprise up top!
The deck is built around the tree. Love that!
Welcome to the Man Cave.
A place to play a few games, as well as watch a few games.
Wine fridge...remember, wine fetish?
They also left this! My kids have had a blast seeing how we played games back in the day. Frogger, anyone?
Whew, that about wraps things up. Now, if I could just slow down my brain enough to figure out which space to tackle first.
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