I have this really bad trait of liking things the first time I see them then not being so excited the second time. John even said, "I'm kind of scared you're not going to like this house when we go back!" Honestly, I was thinking the same thing. BUT, I'm happy to report that I didn't feel that way at all.
So, did you catch the part in Bryn's letter about the pond? And, do you remember from previous posts how much I love, love trees? Well, there's no shortage of trees here!!! So many trees that you can't even see the house from this shot!
When I saw the pond in the listing pictures I almost started crying. It truly was a moment of realizing that God will bless you beyond your imagination if you're striving to follow his will. The pond is the single thing that turned Bryn and Reed's attitudes from dreading the move to looking forward to it with great anticipation.
We let Reed bring his fishing pole while we checked out the house. He was just a tad excited when he reeled this sucker in. He was even more excited to proclaim that he had spotted another fish that was even bigger than this one.
Moving on...prepare yourself for greatness. I told you here about the bathroom that left John feeling "violated." Well, feast your eyes on this mirrored goodness...
So you can fully appreciate the complete experience of how it feels to use the restroom in such a setting, here's a shot of me sitting on the toilet (never thought I'd post anything like this!).
You can literally watch yourself pee from all angles. I have a sneaky suspicion this bathroom will make us the talk of the town. Did I mention that the ceiling is black with red and silver glitter?! We're so leaving it as is for a little while...I kind of like the shock factor!
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